Friday, May 13, 2011

February 28th.

     February 28th, seemed to come up some fast in mine and my moms book. It was the day that one of the strongest people I knew were going into surgery.  I would've never of thought, my mom, being so skinny, pretty, and energetic would be in the hospital for 8 days after getting a spinal fusion.
     Walking through the slippery floors of Dartmouth Hospital too see my mom was pretty hard. I remember the cold breeze that went through my spine as I walked into the recovery area and asked too see Tamara Beck. Me, my brothers and sisters got too the room and we saw her laying in her bed. She looked so dead, and cold. It wasn't because she was sick, she was just in a lot of pain. Her long brown hair covered her neck, and she was wearing a blue nightgown. Her eyes were so dark, and her face seemed to be so swollen as she laid there holding my stepdads hand.
     She worked her way up, and gently pushed the button on the side of the bed to make her move. My stepdad and gram helped adjust her by putting pillows behind her back. The nurse came in, and my mom introduced us all. After the nurse left, my mom sat there and talked with us, but it was her voice that caught me. It was so much different than her, laughing with us, yelling at us, or just talking with us in general. It sounded so much more rough, and solid then normal.


  1. Kelcie, this was an amazing and well written story. I absolutely loved reading it. Everything in your story was described so well. I wonder what the rest will be like, and I wish I knew because it has such a great beginning to it. :)

  2. I really liked this it was like stepping in your shoes and it made me feel what you must have been feeling. I wonder what would happen if you told what the conversation between you and your mom was like.

  3. I really liked it, I could really picture what was happening because I've had to deal with something like that. I wonder what happen if you had added dialog. I wish you could have kept writing.

  4. I love this story. It really takes a look of what it was like for you. I felt like I was in DHMC walking to the surgery. I wish there was more, though.

  5. Wow, I really liked how well you wrote this and how much detail you added. I wish that there was more to read. I wonder how you must of felt when you found out she had to have it done. Awesome Job. (:
