Friday, May 27, 2011

What Lily & Jake Had to Say. *continued*

     Me and Jake got on the bus, and I was still in tears. He sat with me in the 5th seat from the end up. I put my bags in front of me, and rested my head on the window sill. I didn't want to talk to anybody, and I especially didn't want people asking me was was wrong.
     We got to school, and I did the daily routine. Walk Jake to his 6th grade classroom, get myself a drink from the disgusting fountain, and head to my 8th grade classroom. I walked into the tiny 4 walled room, and I felt like everyone was starring at me. I could feel my face turning red, not that It wasn't already red from crying. I finished walking in, and put my stuff by my desk.I felt like they were starring at me up and down, as if I were some famous rock star. I looked at the clock, and I still had 3 minutes till the bell rang. I walked out of the classroom, and headed to the bathroom. I felt like I was sprinting more than I was walking though. I took a sharp turn into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. It was clear on what everyone was looking at. My Face turned even more red that it already was. I was so embarrassed. I got a wet paper towel, and whipped off the big booger that was stuck on my shirt, right below my collarbone. I must of gotten this stuck to me, when I was crying, and sneezing at the same time. I stood in the bathroom, and looked at myself. I stepped out of the bathroom, and walked to the classroom as slow as possible. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

What Lily & Jake Had to Say. *continued*

     Mother woke up every morning around 6 o'clock, and thats how I got up every morning for school. She never thought about waking up me or Jake. If it wasn't for me, I dont think Jake would be up and ready every morning. Mother would go sit in the bathroom, shower, and get ready. Combing her long brown hair, she'd put it up in her clip, put on some red shiny lip stick and head off to work. Once in awhile we would get a "bye" but not often.
     When mother would leave, I'd go into the kitchen and make me and Jake lunch. Adding extra jelly, and cutting off the crust, I'd throw his sandwich in his bag, and set it by the door. I know that Jake was old enough to make his own sandwich, but If I didn't, then he would go without lunch for the day.
     "Jake, wake up! You have 35 minutes to get dressed and catch the bus. C'mon. If we miss the bus, then were not going to have a ride too school."
     "I know, give me 3 more minutes." said Jake. He was basically whispering.
     "Fine, Im showering first, and then you can take one and have the cold water." Lily walked away in tears. It wasn't because she was mad or upset, she was more stressed than anything. Jake wasn't her responsibility, but she was always mothering him.

Friday, May 13, 2011

February 28th.

     February 28th, seemed to come up some fast in mine and my moms book. It was the day that one of the strongest people I knew were going into surgery.  I would've never of thought, my mom, being so skinny, pretty, and energetic would be in the hospital for 8 days after getting a spinal fusion.
     Walking through the slippery floors of Dartmouth Hospital too see my mom was pretty hard. I remember the cold breeze that went through my spine as I walked into the recovery area and asked too see Tamara Beck. Me, my brothers and sisters got too the room and we saw her laying in her bed. She looked so dead, and cold. It wasn't because she was sick, she was just in a lot of pain. Her long brown hair covered her neck, and she was wearing a blue nightgown. Her eyes were so dark, and her face seemed to be so swollen as she laid there holding my stepdads hand.
     She worked her way up, and gently pushed the button on the side of the bed to make her move. My stepdad and gram helped adjust her by putting pillows behind her back. The nurse came in, and my mom introduced us all. After the nurse left, my mom sat there and talked with us, but it was her voice that caught me. It was so much different than her, laughing with us, yelling at us, or just talking with us in general. It sounded so much more rough, and solid then normal.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What Lily & Jake Had To Say.

          Mother died today.
Yeah, those were basically the only three words that I could find the courage to write. I don't think mom even comes close to understand what she left behind. Where were me and my Jake going to stay? Where were we going to live? All these questions were spinning around in my head, but I didn't dare to ask anyone.
         Mother was a hard working women, and she owned a heart of gold. She was tiny and no bigger than 5'4, but she was rugged than any women I knew. She was always yelling at me and Jake, and saying how much we made her mad. I always had a feeling that she hated us. We lived in New York City, up in a little apartment on 6th and 7th street. The landlord was always banging on the door.
"Katie, its been 2 months and you still haven't paid your rent."or
"If you don't pay the rent tomorrow then your going to be evicted." Thats what me and Jake heard every other morning. Mom would never go out there and just talk with them though. It was always
"I'll pay it tomorrow, just leave me alone." One time, mother started crying, and I thought she was going to explode. I never could find the right words to comfort her. Nothing I ever said seemed to make any sense in her book.
        Mother had a job down at Dunkin Donuts, but It wasn't nearly enough to support me, her, and Jake.

*To be continued.* (: